Sunday, November 25, 2012

9 Months Old!

I"ve decided 9 months is the best age. Max is SO fun right now. He is always exploring and wanting to play with us. He's usually smiling and squealing as he hurries around the house and his laugh is just the best! Max celebrated his 9 month birthday by hanging out with Daddy all day while Mommy went Black Friday shopping! Then he helped Uncle Garon decorate his apartment for Christmas : ) I have a Thanksgiving post in the works, but in the meantime, here's an update on his weekly pictures.

36 weeks- Halloween!

 37 weeks- He's sitting up before I can even lift the camera to my face! : )

38 Weeks- Love those eyes

39 Weeks- Thanksgiving! Aunt Sarah was here to help with this one so Max so extra giggly : )