Sunday, November 17, 2013

Catching up on the beginning of Fall fun!

I started this post many weekends ago while Max was off having adventures with his Grammy and Grandpa in October. Well... here I am finally finishing it while Max is on his November weekend with them : ) Justin and I have had a wonderful weekend alone, as usual- thank you Sandy and David!! The new nursery for Baby #2 was our guest room for years and increasingly becoming a storage room. After hours of hard work yesterday and this morning (most done by Justin), it is completely clean except Baby #2's crib. Its so fun to sit in there and try and picture what it will be like to have a newborn in there... with Max running around at the same time! Getting excited... : )
Lots to catch up on!
Time is flying.. I am 28 weeks along and my belly is definitely growing fast!
 He is kicking like crazy and growing perfectly!
This is an old pic, I need to take a new one.. 24 week pic:

Max definitely "knows" there is a baby in there and will point it out if anyone asks where Mommy is keeping the baby. Boy will he be surprised when we come home one day with a  tiny human that never intended on staying in my belly forever! Of course, when we get to the Baby Orangutan in one of his books, he gets excited and points to his own belly for the "baby".. so there is a little confusion about the details.

Max is getting into all sorts of new adventures each week and is communicating more and more. He is slowly learning more words, but still likes to use his own words and sounds for things. He really wants to communicate and have conversations, so sometimes he'll "talk" and "talk" about whatever is on his mind... and we just hope its words we understand and recognize!

Nana keeps Max very busy all week while we are at work. THANK YOU NANA!!
One of Max's new loves is an ABC game on her IPAD. 
Nana always has to get her glasses first, which Max will  remind her of, and also sometimes steal : )

There is always lots of work to do in the garage and driveway-
someone has to give the raccoon a ride. 

Then in October Max got croup and was home for a few days with Mommy or Daddy as he got better. There was lots of snuggling and napping, and we introduced Bob the Builder and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV.. his life has never been the same : )

Thankfully he was better within a week and back to his normal, full of energy, happy self!

Always wants to be a helper

 Friends.. just hangin out