Oopsies its been way too long since we shared pics of maxwell! Our last post was when Max was 10 weeks old..eek. A lot has happened since then. Max is now 16 weeks old and becoming a little man : ) Basically we love our life. Max is snuggling on my lap as I write this. Sometimes we still look at him and say- I can't believe he is ours. He couldn't be more fun and amazing. The pediatrician said that Max is spoiling us and we shouldn't think other babies are this easy! We'll see how long this lasts : )
Here are some random updates:
*Max is still sleeping like a champ, 10-11 hrs each night. When he is awake he is so fun and showing off his personality.
*He loves to smile, laugh, eat his hands, drool, spit up, smile, drool, spit up, smile, eat his hands... you get the idea. He loves to smile and laugh at his mommy and daddy which we couldn't love more!
*Naps during the day are sometimes a challenge but I cant complain.. I'll take sleeping through the night over long naps during the day.
*We switched over to cloth diapers last month and looove them. They are as great as we thought they would be. yaay. And sometimes (most of the time) I might color coordinate his diaper to his outfit. Dont judge.
*Max went to church for the first time this past Sunday and he was so good!
* We have his 4 month dr appt next week. A couple of weeks ago he weighed 16.5 lbs so i'm sure he'll be way more that than by our appt!
Here are some pics of Max from the past couple of weeks. More posts coming tonight with his weekly pics and Mothers Day!
12 weeks old.. always had an intense stare while taking a bath
and then giggles as soon as we take him out..
Loves his cloth diapers.. loves his hands!
Snuggles with Mommy.. never gets old
Talking to his neon people 13 week old
Pop-pop is so silly!
Garon turned 22 (omg!) in May and Max got him this
"World's Coolest Uncle" tshirt. Garon wears it with pride!
cant... stop.. snuggling.. I'm obviously snuggling
with Max instead of doing something decent with my hair.
"What?! The Orioles are winning?!"
"Hi Aunt Meaghan! Have you seen my monkey?"