In case you haven't heard, we are pregnant again! Wahoo!
Our estimated due date is February 10, which will make the new baby almost 2 years apart from Max. How perfect! I'm excited to be pregnant in the fall and winter again, not only because i have already have fall/winter maternity clothes, but I really loved it last time. Having a spring baby was so much fun- Max had a lot of walks and fresh air as a newborn.
Unfortunately, one way that this pregnancy is already similar to my pregnancy with Max is the morning sickness. For those of you who think that morning sickness only happens in the morning.. thats hysterical. Its all day and horrible. As Pat Harbin pointed out to me- "But look what happened after your last morning sickness?" How true!! If being this sick is what it takes to have an amazing happy healthy genius baby like our Maxwell then so be it! Its worth it in the end. In the meantime, Justin is our hero and does EVERYTHING for our family these days. EVERY. THING. He should get an award. or two. The up side is that Max and Justin have lots of time together and are quite the pair! There is a lot of "Da da! Da da?" all day long, usually followed my fits of laughter, chasing, tickling, horseplay, etc.
Here are some random snapshots of our life from May and June...
Still as silly as ever..
We started brushing his teeth after his bath each night,
who knew this would be such a favorite activity?
Working on spoon technique..
"Look what Daddy gave me!"
"This pool doesn't seem big enough for the both of us.. "
Pool time at Nana's!
Justin is not allowed in the workroom without Max... Max ALWAYS has to run in and "help".
or cry at the door if Justin needs to work on something alone.. ; )
Another new development within the past few months is the CLIMBING. goodness gracious.
Loves the phone. He is very popular.
Love this face...
Hugging the baby.. okay maybe we need to do a little more prep work.
Loves the Oriole bird!
Workin out with Mommy!
Very good at watering.. everything.
Third-Pa built Max his first sandbox!!!
And Max also had his first pony ride that same weekend!!
One of my favorite recent pics- pure happiness!
Daddy, daddy, daddy! Max is consumed with whatever Daddy is doing-
mowing the grass, using the bathroom, working in the yard...
Always ready to help...
Fathers Day, Beach and Pool posts coming soon!