Monday, October 29, 2012

35 weeks and counting!

I haven't posted Max's weekly pics in awhile but we are still going strong! Here are weeks 30-35.. hard to believe in a few weeks he will be 9 months old. He has two bottom teeth that he is currently obsessed with.. always running his tongue over them and sucking on them. It's obviously adorable. He is movin and groovin. He is making his way around the house exploring every cabinet, window sill and corner. In related news, due to his exhaustive exploration efforts and his starting each day at 5:30am now, he has started taking 3 naps most days. I'm having a mini panic attack about day light savings this weekend.. Max waking up at 4:30am? I dont want to talk about it. We have started our efforts to move his bed time back slowly in hopes that he will get up a few minutes later each day. In a perfect world. : )



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