Saturday, March 1, 2014

Two weeks and counting : )

Silly face for Jackson's two week picture!  

Some quick 2 week highlights:
- He's met a lot more friends and family since coming home from the hospital- my Aunt Suzy and Uncle Tom, Julie, Teresa, Kristianna, Matt and Marcy, Erin and Tim and more to come!
- Jackson thanks everyone who brought us dinner because it meant more time with Mommy and Daddy instead of them having to be in the kitchen every night. GREATLY APPRECIATED! : )
- He's already back up to his birth weight and then some- weighing in at 11 lbs 6 oz a few days ago
- He's still a great eater and sleeper (our record for sleeping at night is just under 6 hours, which he did the night before he turned 2 weeks- I couldnt believe it.)
- BUT he's still a two week old baby.. last night he slept in 3 hour increments and i'm so tired today!
- Likes tummy time and has been lifting his head up since the day he was born. Loves to look around.
- Loves snuggles

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