Friday, March 9, 2012

Max- Week 2 brings more visitors!

The first week with Max flew by and it feels like we've known him for way longer! What did we do before we had him? I think we slept a lot haha.. hard to remember what that is like : )

Max continues to be an amazing and happy baby.. he never cries unless there is a reason like he wants his diaper changed, is hungry, or he has gas.. poor guy! He is a great sleeper, even at night, so I really cant complain. We get stretches of several hours of sleep at a time most nights. When he is awake, he is very alert and loves to look at our faces and listen to us talk to him. He still likes to fall asleep on us and sleep a lot of the day away but he is having more and more awake time which we love.

Max had his 2nd week doctor appointment yesterday and he is back up to his birth weight, and then some! He is up to 10 lbs 5.5 oz.. so he's a growing boy. He got a perfect bill of health from the doctor : )

Here are some pictures from Max's 2nd week of life and all of the family and friends he got to see this week.. enjoy  :)
1 week old Max with his Daddy

Max turns 1 week old!

Max meets Jenny Falcone- they snuggled for awhile

Meet Uncle Matt!!

Nana stopped by to bring us lunch and got a snuggle from Max!

Max also got to meet his "GG" (Great Grandmother)

Taking a break from visitors to have some Mommy time : )

 Great Aunt Terri and cousin Jamie came to see Max
Grammy time!

 Cousin Gabrielle and Max
 Great Aunt Jenny
Great Uncle Geoff.. Max still has to meet Great Aunt Lavi!

Quality time with Pappy

Aunt Darlene visits

Thank you to everyone who stopped by to meet Max so far- he loves the attention : ) 

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