Max is 6 1/2 months old... how did that happen already? He's been getting up on his hands and knees and threatening to crawl for awhile but then settles back onto the ground to successfully scoot wherever he needs to go. Today he took a few crawling steps like there was nothing to it.. uh oh he may have figured it out! He also loves to pull himself up to the standing position whenever he can get his hands around something heavy enough to give him enough leverage. He is such a little man. I hope that we remember all of these little things! Sometimes I like to use the weekly pics as reminders about what was going on in Max's development or in our life at the time. Enjoy.... : )
During the 27th week of Max's life we got rid of our disgusting carpet on the first floor of our house
and got all brand new floors! Max will never even remember that it ever looked any different. He loves
to slide across the hard floor looking for his toys.
Week 28 was obviously the start of Football Season!!
Thanks to Grammy for the awesome football hat. It will get a lot of use this fall and winter.
"Look Daddy! I'm only 6 months old and I can kick better than Cundiff!"
This 29 Week picture was actually an accident but it so perfectly portrays our life right now. Max cannot stay still. There is always something "over there" that is far more exciting and needs discovering. Before I could even get the camera up to my face, he was rolled over and halfway off the fabric. I decided to stick with this one so we that can remember what a curious explorer he was at this age!
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