Monday, September 2, 2013

Last day of VACA!

Our last day of vacation was one of our best! 
Sarah and Max had a great play time in the morning until she had to leave for her flight back to Denver, and Sandy and David joined us for the day as well. Max loved having new playmates!

Here come Grammy and Grandpa- yay!

"Thank you Aunt Sarah for chasing me around all the time!"

"Oh look at that piece of sand!"

This next series of pics is one of my favs of the week! Love the open mouth excitement : )

Oops.. a little too much fun..

Telling Nana about what happened.. 

Back at it.. 

 Loves his Aunt Sarah!

Aunt Sarah would sometimes take Max for long walks in the stroller during the day on the boardwalk (THANK YOU!). Justin and I would relax on the beach, and Max would come back with his tummy full of snack and TCBY yogurt. One day, he came back with a blow up whale!

"This seems fun!"


Sometimes you just need to tell your Mommy about it.. 

Pretty soon we could laugh about it!

And pray that it won't happen again..

Garon keeping an eye on things from the water.

                        Max was never in any real danger...Grammy and Nana were supervising!!

"Let's give this one more try"

"THIS is how you ride a whale Aunt Sarah"

Me, Sandy and Baby #2 going for a swim : )

 Looks cold!

 Deep sea swimming with Daddy!

 Grammy kisses!

The sun wasn't shining quite as much in the afternoon 
and it was threatening to rain but it didn't stop us!

Digging for sand crabs with Pop Pop!

 Here's one for you Mommy! Ew..

Boys being boys (video)

 "Sandcrabs! Where are you!"

Finding treasures for Grammy!

A special shell, just for Grammy

Our last day on the beach was perfect. What an amazing vacation! 
We know we are so blessed that we get to go to the beach every year, and now we get to share it with our kiddies. Can't wait for next year with another little Harbin in the mix : )

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