Saturday, December 7, 2013

Here come the Holidays! : )

Hard to believe last Christmas Max was such a little nugget!  Let's reminisce : )

He was such a cutie patootie. I cant stand it! 
Okay moving on to this year . And he's still the cutest thing ever. If you ask me. Or Justin. : )

Justin and I decorated the entire house and put up the tree while Max was napping 
on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. He was quite surprised when he woke up all messy haired
 and blurry eyed to find the house had changed!

Happy to have his own box of ornaments

Decorating the tree is such hard work. 
All of the hanging up ornaments and not being allowed to pull on the beads. Ugh. 

Sitting by the fire making his Christmas list... with the Home Depot advertisement. His father's son. 

Learning the rules about the fire from Daddy.

 This was me and Baby Boy #2 at 30 weeks.
.(Today I'm 31 weeks and exactly 2 months from my due date. Crazy.) I can still squeeze (barely) into this non-maternity Ravens shirt from my awesome sister in law Meaghan. She knew I had to have something Ravens to wear all season so she got me an XL that could stretch. I wear it every week!

Later that week we celebrated Thanksgiving with the Harbins:

Pumpkin pie and whip cream= Happiness

And then there is the stress that begins when the pumpkin pie is all gone... so sad. 

Full bellies and a tired child.. time to say goodbye!

Officially Done. 
Okay maybe I'll read one more book. 

Goodnight everyone!

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