Monday, April 28, 2014

The Maryland Hunt Cup 2014

We had such a fabulous weekend! On Saturday, per our annual tradition, we went to the Maryland Hunt Cup with the Harbin clan. It's a steeplechase horse race with the horses racing across the countryside and jumping over a lot of fences. Most of the day is spent tailgating and hanging out with family and its so fun! We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. 

Last year Justin was on his Man Trip and I went with little Max. He did such a great job and it was another beautiful day. I can't believe that was only a year ago! Look at this little guy:

Fast forward to this year and we took a 2 year old and a 10 week old to the all day festivities. Ed called me "courageous" several times and said that if I could do the Hunt Cup with two babies, then i could do anything.. haha and I might agree! Thank goodness we always have lots of family to help entertain the boys and they both did a great job : )

Jackson got some snuggles from his Great-Gran as soon as we got there!

And Aunt Lavi wanted to say hi too!

Me and my boys.. just hangin out on this beautiful day!

Smiles for Aunt Meaghan!

4 Generations

You can always find out spot- look for the MD flag!

Max had some special moments with his Pappy... 

Just like last year:

Checking out the finish line with Daddy as we wait for the horses to arrive. We had some dicey moments at this point with Max having a strong desire to run onto the race course. After some tantrums and tears, the horses finally came. PHEW!

Watching the horses in the sunshine!

Jockeys get ready as we head to the hill...

Justin and Max headed down to the race course fences to watch the horses up close. Most of the family runs from fence to fence during the race to see the horses jump right in front of them. Jackson and I joined the ladies up on the viewing hill this year! He slept through all of the excitement. thankfully!

Such a good race with a close finish!!

Post race cuddling : )

Love our set up each year.. so much yummy food!

Max was manager of most things- including the pepperoni tray and drink cooler. 

Jackson finally woke up and was ready to party!

Meaghan and her Daddy!

"Uncle Matt is the coolest- I bet he'll let me dump this on the ground if I ask nicely!"

My handsomes.

As usual, we made many great memories! Can't wait till next year : )

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