"The days are long but the years are short!"
I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. Abigail is 9 weeks old (8 weeks old when I started this post!) and our maternity/paternity leave is over, I went back to work 2 weeks ago (sad face) and Justin is home with our 3 angels all summer... It's ridiculous how fast time goes. I feel like I was just huge and pregnant, trying to enjoy every last drop of joy that came with only having one kid per parent, but also being anxious to finally meet our baby girl. Now she's here and I feel like she's always been in our family (but also not really cause I still have vivid memories of relaxing evenings not holding a baby and then sleeping for 10 hours). : )
I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. Abigail is 9 weeks old (8 weeks old when I started this post!) and our maternity/paternity leave is over, I went back to work 2 weeks ago (sad face) and Justin is home with our 3 angels all summer... It's ridiculous how fast time goes. I feel like I was just huge and pregnant, trying to enjoy every last drop of joy that came with only having one kid per parent, but also being anxious to finally meet our baby girl. Now she's here and I feel like she's always been in our family (but also not really cause I still have vivid memories of relaxing evenings not holding a baby and then sleeping for 10 hours). : )
Me and Abby Ells on Day 6
This man makes it all possible.
Not just the having babies part (haha) but surviving and having fun most days!
In other news, ohmygoodness.
I already miss maternity leave!! :( Nothing to think about except kiddies, who got to hold Abigail, when was nap time and how we were going to spend the day. Of course there were times of exhaustion, crankiness, tantrums, and outright craziness- by all 5 of us haha- but overall it was still so wonderful and amazing. We were lucky enough to both be home on leave for the first 6 weeks of Abigail's life.
Our first "Family of 5 Adventure" was to Eden Mill for fishing, lunching and napping (for Abigail):
Boys will be boys

Jack was continually thrilled to find a rock among the rocks.
Little Stinker.
After 2 weeks of recovery for me at home and adjustment for all of us, we were off to experience beach life as a family of 5! Bethany Beach= Happiness.We are firm believers in trying to keep living your life after kids and just bring them along for the ride, so that's what we try to do. Abigail got carted around from beach to pool to playground and back most days and pretty much slept through it all. A special shout out to my parents for letting us take over their beach house for 23 days, and for making us 3 delicious healthy meals every day, entertaining the boys, snuggling Abigail, and even watching all 3 one night so we could go out to dinner and have a conversation!
Our first "Family of 5 Adventure" was to Eden Mill for fishing, lunching and napping (for Abigail):
Boys will be boys
Jack was continually thrilled to find a rock among the rocks.
Little Stinker.
After 2 weeks of recovery for me at home and adjustment for all of us, we were off to experience beach life as a family of 5! Bethany Beach= Happiness.We are firm believers in trying to keep living your life after kids and just bring them along for the ride, so that's what we try to do. Abigail got carted around from beach to pool to playground and back most days and pretty much slept through it all. A special shout out to my parents for letting us take over their beach house for 23 days, and for making us 3 delicious healthy meals every day, entertaining the boys, snuggling Abigail, and even watching all 3 one night so we could go out to dinner and have a conversation!
Are you ready for an onslaught of beachy pictures? Here.We.Go.
Sharing is caring.
Abigail's first time on the beach. She loved it (aka slept through it).
Nana is a saint! That water was C.O.L.D.
Just a portion of our camp.
We thought we USED to bring a lot of stuff down to the beach.
We thought we USED to bring a lot of stuff down to the beach.
Justin is a professional level wave jumping supervisor.
He can eat second breakfast while also saving Max from his own fearlessness.
Look how easy parenting is.
There is a lot of sitting around, sunbathing and all around relaxing.
There is a lot of sitting around, sunbathing and all around relaxing.
Cuteness on a Beach.
Run straight into the waves like a crazy person and scare Nana: Check!
Hard Work
More Hard Work ; )
Proper wave jumping stance.
It's especially fun if you don't stand up in time.
It's especially fun if you don't stand up in time.
My handsomes
Max and Jack had no idea that the water was cold. Good for them.
Max and Jack had no idea that the water was cold. Good for them.
It's so heavenly having most of the beach to yourself!
Love him.
Dad joined us a few days into the trip and all he did was sit and read! Right, Dad? ; ) LOL I don't even know how this picture was taken, I don't actually remember him or my Mom ever sitting down.
Discussing life with Nana
It does look like we sat around a lot ; )
This is a more accurate depiction of Dad- walking 1 or 2 kids each day, all the time!
Rainy Day= Project Time! Dad was particularly helpful with his drill that was not plugged in.
Jack had his own drill to work with.
Just cause you are the middle child doesn't mean you should get left out of things!!
Not sure what he's contemplating here. Don't want to know.
Best Buds
Garon joined us for Memorial Day weekend and we headed to the neighborhood PARTY!
Garon supervising the bouncy house situation... it looked unsafe to me too!
There's nothing quite like eating fried chicken and potato salad on the ground with two toddlers : )
Garon confirmed that the water was freezing :)
Garon's favorite beach activity is to find a quiet empty space on the beach and slowly fill his blue bucket with nice hot sand, without any help from anyone.
He was a great Uncle and let Max and Jack help him many times : )
This is Garon's "See, it's okay that he's helping right?" face ; )
Parenting Tip: Children like to run in different directions when you are trying to save them from the waves. Nanas are crucial!
One of my fav pictures- kiddies running amuck! And Nana just taking in the scenery.
I'm usually jealous of her outfits :)
Jack's turn to help Garon- and what a big help he was!
Life of Max.
Pool time with Nana!
Relaxing poolside ; )
"What do you mean I can't jump in without you?"
My little baby/big boy
Bayside Exploring
Abigail's first smiles at me!
Taking care of little sister
Boardwalk walking in the sunshine- heavenly!
Back to the POOL!!
Me: "Wait Max, I'm not ready yet..."
and Max has usually already jumped before I finish the sentence...
Naptime. Pool style.
"I heard that Grammy is coming to visit us.. hooray!"
So happy that Sandy came up for a weekend to play :)
It was too long without the kiddies seeing their Grammy!
She jumped right in helping entertain and care for the kids.. as Grammys do! :)
Learning to swim with just the noodle- when did he grow up? ugh.
And to end the post.... random cute pics of Abigail. Because there are never enough.
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