Thursday, April 28, 2016

Happy 2 Awesome Years to Jackson!

Jackson, our little adorable energetic chubster turned the big 2 in February! He's so different than Max was at this age, which is so much fun and also a challenge :) He is fearless, very physical and loud, but also a snugglebug. He lives life BIG- big emotions and big actions haha!! His smile and laugh are so infectious and just the best thing ever, and when he's unhappy he lets you know JUST as strongly!!

Unlike Max, this kid has been talking forever- it seems like since he was born.... he has a lot to say and wants to be heard, so you better listen up or he will just tell you louder :) His fav things are eating, puzzles, running around like crazy, eating, snuggles on the couch, Thomas the train, reading (both by himself and with us), being picked up, snacks, singing, being outside, helping, raucous play with Max, wrestling with Daddy and also eating.

Here's a look back at our lives together so far!

This was one of Jack's last days in my tummy and its the last pic of our Harbin family of 3. It was taken on my due date while in the ER with Max (cut his finger open on a can and got a few stitches- all very exciting)!

We should have known from the imminent snow storm, that Jack was going to add an extra level of excitement to our lives. We had no idea!! :)

He was born on Feb 13th, so we spent his first Valentines Day snuggling in bed!

Max was slightly impressed and slightly concerned. 

I think Max knew that many of his future creations would be knocked over by this little baby...

They soon became friends!

Max always had to help with the diaper changes with Jack was a teeny thing. Now, not so much. Thankfully.

We got to spend my maternity leave at the beach house!! Best 6 weeks ever!!

I went back to work too soon, and would come snuggle on my lunch breaks :)

Jackson's first Easter

"oh my gosh Mommy you are so pretty"

Jack's first 52 weeks of life!!!


Jack and his BFF Max

And then a little girl got thrown into the mix and Jackson found a new love of his life! 
He loves to hug Abigail, dance with her, sit on her, pat her back, sing to her, steal her puffs, try to get her to stand up, make her do patty cake and generally be in her face as much as possible. 

It's safe to say that Abigail loves Jackson too!

Birthday Day for Jackson!

You do you. 

Grammy and Grandpa surprised him with a Birthday Breakfast visit!

Time to PARTY, Thomas the Train style!

We had a joint birthday party for Max (4) and Jackson (2) and the whole family came out to celebrate!

Partying with the family :) :)

The adorable little stinker who stole our hearts!! 
We love you Jackson- it's been an amazing 2 years.. can't wait to see how you grow this year! 

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