Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Beach Please!

We are currently counting down the days to our big huge awesome long beach vacation later this month!!! Ahhh!! Until then, I will look at these Memorial Day Wknd beach pics and be happy :)

Jack headed down to the beach a day early with Nana and Aunt Sarah... lucky duck! 

Justin finished up work while Max, Abby and I hit the road! 

Reunited at last and it feels so good. 

Baby Pool Wear Fashion Show

Does this hat make my suit look cute?

This girl loves the water. Good golly miss molly.

Happy Girl!

Time for a little beach time before dinner!

"WHAT is this?"

"OH it's amazing. I see."

First time Jack slept in a big boy bed. Success!! 

Garon's happy place! 

 All the happy beachy feels

Not to be out done (or outrun) by his big brother...

In reality, he was running from the water in fright. Jack was NOT a fan of the ocean this trip. 

"HAHA Aunt Sarah It's not cold!!"

And then there's Jack... far far away from the waves... : )

No I dont want to get in you can't make me!! 

Ok I got in

Matching Suits. That is all. :)

 I just cant stand it!

Hangin with Uncle G

Married Besties

Movie Night! Any excuse to eat popcorn on the couch... 


There are no words.

Yay Grammy came to play!!

Our little Mermaid :)

Sneaking a grin at Grammy before the jump!

"No Daddy, swim like THIS"


Garon bought himself a bike!! After hours of assembly by Justin and Company, they were off!

Garon happily stood watch as the kids ran amuck!

"No Pop-Pop, take me back THAT way!"

"Dolphins.. here I come!"

Trying to convince Jackson that the ocean is okay... no luck.

Garon is always ready to lend a helping hand :)

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