Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Loving the visitors!

Wow we are so lucky to be home with Max during this gorgeous weather! We had more visitors this week, and still more to come next week : ) Max feels very loved! Sadly I don't have a picture of my dear friends Katie and Teresa visiting Max.. I was so excited to see them that I forgot both times to take a picture.. sadness.

Aunt Suzy and Uncle Tom came by to meet Max..
he was happy to fall asleep on both of them!

Grammy brought her parents to meet Max..
 they hit it off right away  :)

Max meets his only Great Grandfather

Snuggles with Grammy.. 
he doesnt look very interested but he was!

Kristianna also came by this week! 
We look like such a happy couple with our baby haha ; )

Max enjoying the sunshine for a minute

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