Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Beach Vacation Part 2

More fantastic days at the beach!

Max makes some friends..(video)

 Lots of sand to explore..

"Hmm.. what to conquer next... "

Max enjoyed working on the seat belt buckle in his wagon. 
We enjoyed relaxing while he was in one place for longer than 30 seconds!

Resting with Pop Pop

Riding the waves with Garon!

Exploring the outer regions of the beach..

Time for a quick rest

Sarah stole Max for some snuggles!

 Then it was time for Max to supervise Nana and Pop-Pop while they played with his sand toys..

 Nothing better than a huge hole filled with water..

Nana love!

 Snack time- very serious.


Taking a break with Daddy and a snack.. loving both : )

Max is a pro at blowing bubbles now!

"Did you see what I just did?!" : )

Sisterly love. Garon is so tolerant.

You never know when more bubbles are needed...


Time to head home

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