Sunday, December 8, 2013

First Snow of the Season!!!

 What a great day! 
The Christmas Cantata at church this morning was amazing and aptly named Appalachian Winter Cantata. We came out of church to find it pouring beautiful snow. The drive home was slow and snowy but then we got to spend the rest of the day inside our warm house and only ventured out to play in the snow for a bit. 

FIRST OF ALL, tons of love goes to my awesome hubby for always doing all the snow maintenance needed (even when I'm not pregnant). 

This year, snow maintenance included dressing Max in his snow gear.
 Not an easy task but Max was excited and ready to go! 

Here we go!

"Come on Daddy!!"

Funny story. We used this blue sled for Max last year.
 Then it sat on our back porch all year and Max has enjoyed filling it 
with water in the summer, sitting in it, etc.
 I think this is Max saying "Ohhh" as he realizes its true purpose!

Makes me laugh so hard. Just chillin. 

This is the life.. just getting pulled around the yard. 

 There is always so much work to do.

Snow Angel

"Nothing to see here. I'm not eating the snow."

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