Saturday, December 7, 2013

Yay December!

We celebrated Sandy's birthday tonight with the family. But first Max needed to do a little painting. I don't have a picture of the beautiful birthday cake he painted for his Grammy, but this is him working on his green and yellow abstract piece. He named it "The More Paint The Better". 

Painting on his hand. Followed by "uh oh". Always.

This is right before he quickly shoved his whole hand in the paint. Game changer. 

Haha that was silly. After many paper towels we are back to using q-tips. 

Time for the birthday party!
Such a helper...

Beautiful new tree skirt made by Sandy!!

It is snuggle worthy- Max approves!

Aunt Meaghan's tree skirt is good for snuggling too : )

 It's time for the Happy Birthday song- yay!! 
Followed by delicious red velvet cheesecake. Life doesn't get much better than this : )

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