Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Six Years and Counting!!

June 21st was our 6th Wedding Anniversary wahoooo! Our Wedding Day was amazing and we had no idea how crazy awesome our life would be : )

It's been an exciting 6 years and we got to celebrate this year by being children free for the first time since Jackson was born. So of course we went to the BEACH! We dropped off Jack at my Moms and Max at Sandy and David's and drove to the beach late Friday night. 

Aww the beach house always welcomes us : )

This is what being on the beach with no kids looks like. 


So much free time. Books, selfies and french fries.

Heading out to dinner at yummy Sedona restaurant!

Anniversary book to write down how we celebrate each year

 Love Bugs

We had such a fun time getting away- thank you to the caregivers for the weekend! 
Jack and Max were happily entertained : )

Lots of work to do at Grammy and Grandpa's house

Sandbox Land

"Come on up Gramps!"

1 comment:

  1. Love you two! Keep falling more in love with each passing year! Dad
