Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Cozy Christmas at Home

Christmas seems like ages ago! Christmas Day was different this year because Sarah was sick and so my parents house was under quarantine. Instead of going over there in the morning and spending the day opening presents there, we were at home all day- just the 3 of us! Since the plans changed at the last minute, we didn't even have any food in the house for breakfast or Christmas dinner. We had a leisurely morning since Max didn't really know that presents were coming and that he could insist on opening them right away. I took the boys to Safeway to get some yumminess for Christmas dinner and then hit up Starbucks on the way home. After breakfast, Jack went down for a nap and it was finally time for present for Max!

Video of Max on Christmas morning!

That smile!

A telescope for our little explorer.

Time to put up the bird feeder that we got for Christmas the night before. 
Max is ready to assist. 

Sometimes a telescope is needed. To be on the look out for squirrels. 

Where's Max?

Finally Jack woke up! 
"What did I miss?!"

Time for Jack's big present! He's not too sure what to do about it...

You snooze you lose haha. Max helped him take off the paper!

Best day ever!!

Max pushing him "fast". 

After lots of play time and lunch, the boys went down for afternoon naps and Justin and I got to exchange our stockings! Justin was nice enough to pose with my awesome fuzzy pink stocking ; )

Pregnant Christmas #3 for me!

We invited Garon over for Christmas dinner and everyone (except sicky Sarah) 
dropped by to say hello and Merry Christmas!

We missed the traditional Christmas Day with my family but we decided to make the best of it and it ended up being nice to have such a relaxing day at home with nowhere to go! I'm sure next Christmas will go JUST as smoothly with 3 children : )

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