I thought we were too busy to write on the blog before.. who was I kidding? NOW we are busy.. and i assume it will continue to increase! : ) Max is super mobile and busier then ever. We can't leave him alone in a room for more than 8 seconds because he pulls himself up on everything. Every. Thing. His normal state is wide eyed and frantically looking for his next activity (a perfect example is the bathtub pic below!). There can be 10 wonderful and stimulating toys on the floor, but he would rather pull himself up on the couch, window sill, vacuum cleaner, unstable piano bench, etc and just stand there and look around for his next adventure. Another favorite activity is to pull himself up, immediately turn around, and then let go (and therefore fall on his head). I think in his heart of hearts he believes that he can get across the room by standing up and leaning towards where he wants to go. We've had many diving saves from the across the room! As you can see... most pics now are of him standing up. Our weekly pics are quite the experience because it requires him to lay on his back.. oh no.. he's not having it.. I will post the new ones soon!

There is nothing cuter than overalls.
Climbing on Uncle G is a fav Sitting in the tub is boring.. must stand up.
Playtime with Uncle G! Loves to look out the window
Waiting for Daddy to come home! He escaped while I was stuffing his diaper!
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