Monday, October 29, 2012

This post is brought to you courtesy of Hurricane Sandy

Here comes Hurricane Sandy! Justin, Max and I are all dry and cozy inside, waiting for the worst of the storm to arrive. As much as I am dreading losing power with a 8 month old (i'm picturing nap time and bedtime without a sound machine- eek!), we are really loving today so far. Justin and I are both off work, so we have an unexpected extra day with Max woohoo!! We both said this morning how nice it is to be forced to not go anywhere (for a short period of time). If this were a normal Saturday we would have found several activities to do and therefore probably have made our day hectic as usual.

So far my Sandy experience has included a clean house, sleeping in (absolutely glorious), and a pumpkin spice latte.. all thanks to my dreamy husband. We are stocked and ready for a power outage but hoping against it! Max loves standing at the door or window and squealing at the rain and swaying trees. His current project is assisting me in writing this blog.. super helpful!!
Before we started worrying about all this rain and wind, we got to spend a GORGEOUS weekend at the beach with Justins Dad, Gran and sister Meaghan! Justin and Ed fished while the ladies relaxed, played with Max, did some shopping and took walks. We spent Happy Hour on the pier over looking the water one evening.

On our last day, Justin and I headed to Bethany Beach with Max. We had lunch at Grottos Pizza (i know.. yumm!) and then hung out on the beach for awhile. Max liked the ocean when he was almost 6 months old during our week long trip to Bethany and he still loves it at 8 months! He got pretty excited about the waves and I love the pictures that we took. I wish you could hear his happy squeal through the pictures.. its the best : )

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