Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our first days with Max

Our stay in the hospital is kind of a blur to us and its hard for us to remember what happened which day, but we do remember:
- constantly telling each other that we can't believe how cute Max is!
- lots of baby snuggles
- being up in the middle of the night
- Justin changing all of the diapers
- the first time Max had the hiccups
- Rachel not sleeping at all the first night because she would just listen to Max's baby sounds
- swaddling Max ALL the time.. he loved it
- lots of time spent just staring at Max : )

Cute tongue : )

This is why I could never put him down.. look at that face looking at me!!

We woke up on Saturday, so excited that it was time to take Max HOME : ) We were up and ready to go before the nursing staff.. and we waited around for our discharge instructions for awhile.

Max had his last check up by the doctor and then it was time for his going home outfit..

Ready to go home!

Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. I see why you just want to cuddle him. I love the yawning picture, plus the look on you and Justin's eyes when you are holding him. Priceless.
