Sunday, January 26, 2014

oh my gosh more Christmas hooray!

Per Christmas tradition, after opening Christmas presents at our house, we headed to my parents for breakfast and presents with my family. Christmas is Garon's all time favorite day of the year and involves many traditions and we are so happy to always be a part of it! Sarah always flies in from Denver for Christmas, Garon came and spent the night, and Grandmother came over for the day. It was a party!

Time for presents!

Love this adorable sign- hopefully its a true story soon!

Max is IN LOVE with this backhoe from Aunt Sarah! 

Hilarity ensued when both Garon and Max opened remote control cars!

I got Justin a very cool purple Miracle Tie from Jo Banks with old school football players on it.
 He is more excited than he looks : )

My Grandmother "aka GG for Great Grandmother", got Max a kitchen for Christmas- to be kept at Nanas house since he's there all week while I'm at work! I don't Max could believe it haha.... : )

Garon looking on in amusement.....

Aww perfect gift for my Mommy!

Serving coffee to Pop-Pop

Waiting patiently for a present!

A gift for both Dad and Garon..... matching shirts!! Always a fav of both Dad and Garon : )

Christmas Joy

Yes my amazing hubby surprised  me with a LAPTOP!!!! 
Happiest day of my life! Blogging, pictures, working... i'm so happy : )

He knows he did a good job : )

Mom supervises the whole production and always make sure the day is special for everyone!

Garon's present for Max was a huge hit- Cookie Monster slippers

After Max's nap we had a yummy lunch and Max opened a few more presents.
Max's lunch required a lot of pretend pepper!

The crew.. minus Dad, the photographer : )

Max LOVES umbrellas. 

Max and Daddy are both amazed by his new tool!

Justin and I brought another gift for Max to open- a circus tent!
 Much to Nana's dismay, its still sitting in her house lol.. oops!

Delivering stockings... one of Garon's favorites!

A quick relaxing moment while Max is occupied with new toys and playmates : )

Aunt Sarah is so silly...

A calendar for Grandmother so she can look at adorable pictures of us all year long!

Max put on Garons shoes but was having trouble walking and turned to Uncle Garon for help... 
I love this series of pictures : )

I'm going to end with this picture. 
We'll just call it: "Dance Party that Started for Max's Sake but Continued Long After He Lost Interest"

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