Sunday, January 26, 2014

Christmas Break= Happiness

For my Mom's birthday and Christmas this year, Sarah and I (with the help of good ol' Dad!) took Mom to NYC for an amazing girls weekend!!! We saw the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall, went shopping, ate at amazing restaurants, saw the Christmas decorations and had some good quality girl time : )

Max and Justin had a good 3 days together, just the boys! 
My hubby is awesome and would send me pics saying "hi" once in awhile : )

The rest of Christmas break was spent playing, enjoying the fire and "helping" Daddy with projects!

Discussing the fire


About to embark on another "fix-it" adventure... headlamps required!

 Google put together these pics of Max helping Justin replace the light in the laundry room. 
It makes me laugh because its very accurate haha...

Max has really turned into Mommy's helper in the kitchen!

And he takes his work very seriously....

The perfect end to Christmas break was celebrating Christmas with Justins family! 
We loved that all week we knew Max would have another Christmas, but he didnt even know : )

Sandy (Grammy!) always cooks an amazing meal for us. Max likes to supervise. just in case help is needed!

Max is always ready to help anyone open presents... 

Max loves his Scentsy monkey from Grammy and Grandpa!
He does surgery on it everyday to remove and then reinsert the yummy smelling scentsy pack we put in it. 

Sharing is caring : )

Grandpa collects Hess trucks and let Max play with them. Max was so happy!

The best part of these last two pictures are the blurred people in the background trying to catch the new cat! Max kept playing happily while they raced around him, moving furniture and trying to grab the poor scared little kitty!

After doing all of these Christmas posts, its really just a reminder that we have soooo much family who loves us. We are lucky and blessed to live close to almost all of our family and we get to see them not only on special holidays like Christmas, but all year. And I didn't even post pictures of our annual day after Christmas celebration with my Dad's sisters and Grandma! We love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. First-I live how Google does those cool things. Like how it's snowing in the pic of Sarah ice skating.
    Second-those little chairs by the fire? I die.
