Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Egg-stravaganza. Yep.

The Easter adventures started with the boys spending Saturday at Grammy and Grandpa's! I got to have a Mommy day full of relaxing, shopping and getting my hair done while Justin helped David in the yard and Sandy watched the kiddies : ) 

Love that sweet face 

 Grammy is so funny!

Max got to help in the yard and do science experiments with Grandpa! What a day!

Time for the annual Easter Egg dying extravaganza... supervised by Garon!

Waiting for the madness to begin...

It is impossible for these three fellows to look at the camera at the same time. Exhibit A:

Relaxing while my parents do all the work helping Max : )

I never miss a chance to smile at the camera... I can sense a picture being taken.. : )


Was this before or after the massive blue dye spill of 2014?

Garon is a professional.

Max has been watching Max & Ruby's Easter DVD so he knew all about easter baskets and easter egg hunts. Sadly, it did not cover the true meaning of Easter which we will tackle next year! 

Max's first easter basket consisted of a $1 butterfly net from Target,a $1 water bottle from Target, a Max & Ruby book from Aunt Jan, a truck, and a Mousekatools playdo kit. Everything was a huge hit! Especially the net... we discussed catching bunnies, fish, and butterflies with it. In reality it has been used so far to catch water coming out of the bathtub faucet, his feet, and specially chosen toys. 

I know. Its astonishing!

This kid loves his water bottles. Seriously. 

And this kid loves being cute!

Easter Brunch with the Harbins! 

Max took advantage of the attention being on Jackson and ate all the pre-lunch goldfish. 
Sorry everyone else!

Aunt Lavi snuggles 
Pappy hid some easter eggs for Max and he got to enjoy his first egg hunt- and what a beautiful day!

Secrets with Pappy... whispers about a box of animal crackers hiding somewhere in the yard!

Found it! 

Snuggles with Great Gran while Pappy provides the shade : )

Meaghan and Aunt Lavi- what a great picture!

Aunt Meaghan and her little meatball haha : )

 Cousin Gabrielle says hi to Jackson.. he's basically half her size

Outfit change and onto Easter Party #2 with the Hideys!

Me and my Easter Snuggabunny

Look at this poor kid- has to carry his own diaper bag

My handsomes! Receiving the official egg hunt instructions while Garon waits with bated breath... 
And they're off!

I'm so embarrassed.. Max and Garon were so fast that I didn't find ANY eggs!

Favorite picture!

These kids have so much fun together: 


Opening up the easter eggs after the hunt!

Garon obviously needed assistance.


The Easter Bunny left easter baskets for everyone!! Surprise!

"A food pouch- no way!" You can tell where Max's priorities are. 

"A chocolate bunny- no way!"

Grandmother must have been good this year- she got an easter basket too : )

  And so did the rest of us- thanks Easter Bunny! Love my yummy paleo snacks : )

 Everyone needed help with their Easter Baskets. Max to the rescue!

Even Jackson got an Easter Basket. Max had to try out the stuffed animals.. yep, they are soft!

The kitchen crew- preparing a YUMMY dinner!

Other favorite picture of the day!

Beautiful Spring-y table!

Nana and Max made Yonana for dessert

Pop-Pop waits patiently for his turn to snuggle Jackson

What a wonderful week with family- we are so blessed!!

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