Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Beaching with the Hildebrands and Other Fun Times!

Sandy and David were vacationing in Ocean City while we were in Bethany so we met up for a day to beach together! Yay!!

Starting the day with snack time- as it should be.

Swimming with Max and Jackson while David is the photographer- thanks for the great pics!

"This way Grammy- to the waves!"

Snapshot of my life : )


Catch me if you can!

Jackson supervises the whole operation. 

Kisses from Grammy

Another big hole- this one with steps. Best Daddy Ever!

Best Buds

Being a Grammy- snack time for everyone

Beach Giggles

Grammy is soooo funny LOL ; )

Max and David took a nap in the afternoon up in the hotel room. I took Jackson for a walk that ended up being hours longer than I thought it would be but it was a beautiful day and good exercise : ) Then we got to relax on the beach for a bit before heading out to dinner. What a great day!!!

Before we knew it, it was Saturday morning and time to say goodbye to Sarah and Garon as they headed home.


We will miss you!

But we will try to have fun without you- back to the beach for another great day!!!

"Why YES I DID visit the Bethany Beach Fire Station! I'm so glad you asked!"

So many knobs and so little time


Max and Justin got to explore and touch almost everything- dream come true.

"WOW great story- tell me more!"

My husband taking selfies is my favorite.


Back on the beach, there is another hole to be dug and more toys to be chewed.

"Right here Daddy. This is where I'd like you to dig."

Standing guard

"Dad just let him stand by himself, he's fine!"

"Dad wait hold on to him.."

Yep that was the right decision. 

"I'll save you Max! Pop Pop will be fine..."

Nana usually lifeguards, but she was distracted by the cutie patootie.

So many smiles.


It's amazing how much we can fit in one day. After naps for the wee ones, its off the the POOL until dinner!

So many fountains and water falling, its important to look up a lot...


Pop Pop is such a good sport!

This makes me laugh!!

The best way to use a baby's float is fully clothed.